
WorkTime is a small OpenSouce tool to track your overtime http://application.przymusinski.de/WorkTime/

Primary LanguagePHP


WorkTime is an OpenSource application, in which you can track your overtime

Attention, please install this only on your local machine, everyone who has access can run scripts do delete your database
WorkTime is still under development, so there can be bugs and security issues, use on own risk!


  • Clone the Repository git clone https://github.com/cngjo/worktime
  • update composer packages in the cloned directory composer update
  • Run the installation script, you can find behind the route /install

Guide (todo: improve | add screenshots | move -> wiki)

build up overtime

when you want to build up overtime, you cen either go to /get or you use the overtime Button on the home page.

reduce overtime

when you want to reduce overtime, you cen either go to /take or you use the reduce Button on the home page.

Supported Languages

At the moment only German and English (de_DE | en_US) are supported languages, you can add your own translation, by adding the language code to the languages array in the App/Config/config.cfg file and add a .cfg file with the corresponding language code as name to the App/Config/langauges folder.