
It's been done a thousand times before, and likely better than this: a simple, quick, and somewhat dirty Python command-line script to send mail.

Primary LanguagePython


Sendmail scripts have been done many times before. However, I needed something simple and very easy to use, but with several (rather simple) capabilities. So I wrote this.

It is dirty and not the best organized, but I'd like to keep it somewhere, and GitHub is my friend :). Perhaps someone will find it useful.

I'm not sure I did everything right, but it seems to work (which is a good thing, of course).


	python sendmail.py [options] contents.txt to-person [to-person...]

	  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
	  -s SUBJECT, --subject=SUBJECT
	                        Specifies the subject for the sent mail
	  -b BCC, --bcc=BCC     Specifies an address to Bcc:. Can be specified more
	                        than once.
	  -a ATTACH, --attach=ATTACH
	                        Specifies an attachment to be attached. Can be
	                        specified more than once.
	  -f FROM_ADDR, --from=FROM_ADDR
	                        Specifies who the email is from. Defaults:
	  --headers=HEADERS     Specifies a file containing a list of headers.
	  --host=HOST           Specifies what SMTP server to use. Default: localhost
	  --html=HTML           Specifies an HTML message to send along with the text.