
Btrace tools for performacne tuning

Primary LanguageJava


Btrace tools for performacne tuning

Now, this tool support two different way for performacne profiling.
1.statistc for target method, prints result from time to time, you can specified the time period
2.method invoke, prints result when target mehtod invoking.

How can I get btrace?

How to use it?
1.Prepare json file for statistc, example "listmonitor.json'
2.Run "btgen.py tpl_statistics\listmonitor.json"
3.Found generate file in scripts folder, example "MonitorListClass.java"
4.Run btrace with process and this generated java file.
bin/btrace <process id> <generate java file> 

How can I create my own json file?
You need to change this fields.
	gen-script-class-name : generated java file name in scripts folder
	print-interval : prints result for every specified interval, milliseconds
	display-name : the output name of the target method 
	target-class-name : class name with package
	target-method-name : method name

DON'T change the fields list below, unless you know what you're doing.
template-file-name : specify the template file for generate java file
replacement-map-list : pre-defined name in java file generation
