Ranking of the top 5 CO2 emitters from burning fuels
Temperature evolution in France
From tidytuesday week 17 Evolution of the number of movies and TV shows on Netflix
From tidytuesday week 16 Establishment and discontinuation of US post offices since 1780
Australian Open 2019 Men's Singles
Temperature evolution in France with monthly average and yearly deviation from 20th century average
Number of UFO sightings by states, and UFO shape distribution
Random distribution of triangles of random size and colors
Experiencing with Tweedie distribution for intermittent data
Age & sex distribution of the medalists in the Summer Olympic Games
From tidytuesday week 15 Annual changes in forest area over the year
Comparison of the ranking between 2011 & 2021 of the programming languages I used
Evolution of the number of expeditions and deaths in the Himalayas
Part of the main source of renewable energy
Part of renewable energy in France for electricity production