
Tool to build and unpack SPIFFS images

Primary LanguageC


Tool to build and unpack SPIFFS images.


   mkspiffs  {-c <pack_dir>|-u <dest_dir>|-l|-i} [-d <0-5>] [-b <number>]
             [-p <number>] [-s <number>] [--] [--version] [-h]


   -c <pack_dir>,  --create <pack_dir>
     (OR required)  create spiffs image from a directory
         -- OR --
   -u <dest_dir>,  --unpack <dest_dir>
     (OR required)  unpack spiffs image to a directory
         -- OR --
   -l,  --list
     (OR required)  list files in spiffs image
         -- OR --
   -i,  --visualize
     (OR required)  visualize spiffs image

   -d <0-5>,  --debug <0-5>
     Debug level. 0 means no debug output.

   -b <number>,  --block <number>
     fs block size, in bytes

   -p <number>,  --page <number>
     fs page size, in bytes

   -s <number>,  --size <number>
     fs image size, in bytes

   --,  --ignore_rest
     Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.

     Displays version information and exits.

   -h,  --help
     Displays usage information and exits.

     (required)  spiffs image file


You need gcc (≥4.8) or clang(≥600.0.57), and make. On Windows, use MinGW.


$ make dist

Build status

Linux Windows
Linux build status Windows build status



To do

  • Add more debug output and print SPIFFS debug output
  • Error handling
  • Determine the image size automatically when opening a file
  • Code cleanup