Medius Health Backend Engineering Challenge

Language: Python version 3.7.1
Python Django and Django channels for web socket implementation is used for the minimal chatbot web application.
Aim of the Project
Making use of a python-based web server (preferably Django), socket communication concepts, and a database that drives the real-time chat server
Further Considerations

  • Asynchronous web socket consumer with user authentication can be applied for production use.
  • Python modules like chatterbot and trained bots and/or various DOM elements can be used for handling much complexity.
  • For Bot dialogs, one-to-many relationships can be constructed in database.

Setup Instructions

  • Firstly, Unzip bot directory
  • Run the cmd / terminal and go to working directory (..\mediusChatBot)
  • Install required packages for Python
  • $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • In current directory, run python runserver
  • On the browser, open