- 3
How to use custom commands
#70 opened by mishalshanavas - 1
- 1
Arduino Library
#73 opened by GamerClassN7 - 1
How it works
#72 opened by MncJoseph - 3
- 6
Any plans to support esp32?
#56 opened by victornor - 1
ESP32 Support
#69 opened by SimeDev42 - 2
Wifi setting to Station Mode doesn't stay
#54 opened by bangity - 2
Need Help at Antenna Designing
#67 opened by shinkuan - 1
- 1
simpler demos?
#65 opened by Admin-233 - 10
#33 opened by detectingdragon77 - 0
Can I use lua with this?
#64 opened by jorgeluisrezende - 27
Improving the web interface and API
#23 opened by T-vK - 10
Set static wifi station to connect
#32 opened by atc1441 - 1
- 22
Nodemcu with espusb
#40 opened by openscoreboard - 2
- 1
help with HID braille for open source devices for people with disabilities
#62 opened by discapacidad5 - 0
why doesn't it work on newer SDKs?
#60 opened by paulobionica - 0
- 4
- 3
- 49
ESP32 as software defined USB host?
#45 opened by bikeadventure - 0
Android app to control the espusb
#58 opened by GluTbl - 0
node mcu solution
#55 opened by ntinos97 - 5
Is the USB 8285 Tiny board still untested?
#49 opened by robnewton - 1
Need reset wifi for ap mode
#52 opened by lipitb - 4
Manufacturing an EspUSB
#51 opened by peterburk - 1
Multimedia keys
#53 opened by dimov-cz - 0
Arduino IDE Library
#50 opened by NHTHEBEST - 1
- 4
WiFi Password
#34 opened by Josh-Hogan - 6
wemos d1 issues
#46 opened by toremaannn - 1
- 1
Numpad Keycodes and Android Keycodes collides / Optimize generation of scancodes
#42 opened by joBr99 - 2
Wiki - Getting Started Guide
#39 opened by wlleong - 1
How about MIC line instead of USB ?
#38 opened by curlyz - 6
#36 opened by Boscop - 1
Profiling for esp8266 based code
#35 opened by yadavravi079 - 4
- 3
Grainuum: another bitbanged USB stack
#26 opened by zoobab - 14
Consider support for signal 11
#27 opened by cnlohr - 0
- 2
Use from esp8266/Arduino
#24 opened by probonopd - 8
- 8
How can I add more files to the web interface?
#22 opened by T-vK - 0
- 9
Can we open a wiki?
#16 opened by zoutepopcorn - 2