

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Arouter Build Status

  • Simplifies to devleper between components
  • Makes your code simpler
  • Very simple configuration
  • Lightweight (~32k jar)

Arouter in 4 steps

1. Setting build.gradle (android application / android library):

def moduleName = project.name
android {
    // ......
    defaultConfig {
        // ......

        javaCompileOptions {
            annotationProcessorOptions {
                arguments = [moduleName: moduleName]
    buildTypes {
        release {
            // ......

2. Add class annotation as route

@ARouter(path = "/app/MainActivity")
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {}

3. Intent and carry params

RouterManager.getInstance() // Singleton
        // Arouter path(empty for setResult)
        // String
        .withString("name", "simon")
        // Basic data type
        .withInt("totalCount", 2333)
        .withBoolean("key", value)
        .withByte("key", value)
        .withChar("key", value)
        .withDouble("key", value)
        .withFloat("key", value)
        .withLong("key", value)
        .withShort("key", value)
        // Serializable and Parcelable
        .withSerializable("key", value)
        .withParcelable("key", value)
        // Bundle
        .withBundle("key", value)
        // Activate the callback
        .withResultString("key", value)
        // finish destory
        // Intent jump
        .navigation(this, requestCode) // startActivityForResult()
        .navigation(this, resultCode) // setResult() + finish()
        .navigation(this); // startActivity()
        .navigation(getActivity()); // fragment

4. About Parameters

@ARouter(path = "/library/LibraryActivity")
public class LibraryActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    @Parameter // Parameter name = Field name
    String name;
    @Parameter(name = "totalCount") // Custom parameter name
    int count;
    PersonalInfo info; // Javabean (must be 'implements Serializable or Parcelable')
    @Parameter(name = "/library/DrawableImpl")
    OpenApi drawable; // Public interface (must be 'extends Call')

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        ParameterManager.getInstance().loadParameter(this); // Lazy loading
        Log.e("simon >>> ", name);

Add Arouter to your project

Via Gradle:

implementation 'com.cmonbaby.arouter.core:arouter_core:2.2.0'
implementation 'com.cmonbaby.arouter.annotation:arouter_annotation:2.2.0'
annotationProcessor 'com.cmonbaby.arouter.compiler:arouter_compiler:2.2.0'

Via Maven:



Copyright (C) 2013-2020 Markus Junginger, Simon (https://www.cmonbaby.com)
Arouter binaries and source code can be used according to the Apache License, Version 2.0.