The project consumes the GraphQL API and provides a frontend client which allows you to view and manipulate the data from the API easier. This project will have the following functionalities
- Display list of contacts with thier properties
{name, email}
- View a specific contact
- Create a new contact, specifying the two properties, {name, email}
- Edit any of the two properties for each contact
- Delete any of the contacts
In total ~6 Hours
Module | Why? |
graphql-tag | graphql-tag is a utility which helps parses graphql queries allowing you to have an effective way of specify variables to pass into the query |
apollo-boost | apollo-boost is a simple zero-config package to help quickly get started with the apollo-client |
@material-ui | material-ui is a robost ui framework which provides react components which strictly follow the official material guidelines |
react-router | a simple library for handling routing within react applications |
cypress | a testing tool that makes it easier perform integration testing |
- I had difficulties working out the best way to manage the data across the app
- Working out the best way to structure components and files to improve readbility
- Determining the best way to isolate components and thier responsibilities
- Verifying requirements with testing
You will need to run the API and the frontend seperately.
To run the API you will need run the command
npm run gql
To start the frontend run the command
npm start
To run the integration tests run the command
npm run cypress-tests
To run the unit tests run the command
npm run tests