
This code is part of a bigger project about the semantic segmentation of coral reefs for ecological monitoring.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Corals Semantic Segmentation

This code is part of a bigger project about the semantic segmentation of coral reefs for ecological monitoring. We use the DeepLab V3+ for the segmentation of ortho-mosaics and ortho-projections of seabed. The implementation of the Deeplab is based on the pytorch-deeplab-xception project.

Strong points:

  • Several loss functions are available for the training.
  • Default hyperparameters works reasonably well in many different cases.
  • Minimal configuration for re-use.

In particular, we re-implemented the Generalized Dice Loss (GDL) and the Boundary Loss.


This code has been tested on Python 3.6 and with different versions of CUDA (both 9.2 and 10.0) and Pytorch (>= 1.2).

Module name Version
albumentations 0.2.2
numpy 1.16.4
Pillow 5.2.0
scikit-image 0.15.0
scikit-learn 0.21.2
scipy 1.4.1
tensorboard 2.1.1
tensorflow 2.1.0
torch 1.5.0
torchvision 0.6.0


Our data are provided by the Scripps Institute of Oceanography.

Dataset preparation

Since our goal is to work with ortho-mosaics, typically in the order of hundreds of MPixels, a subdivision of the input orthoimage into sub-images (tiles) is necessary. Each tile is cropped to 513 x 513 and feed to the network. Hence the resolution of the input tiles should be greater than 513 x 513. The ground truth segmentation has to be provided as a color map with the same name of the corresponding image tile (24 bit, RGB) stored in a different folder.

For example:


To associate the class names with the labels color you need to modify labelsdictionary.py. The dataloader automatically performs on-the-fly all the operations required by the training (geometric augmentation, color augmentation, and cropping).


Our training is based on fine-tuning the version of the DeepLab just mentioned. So, you need to download the pre-trained weights from here.

The training parameters (number of epochs, learning rate, etc.) and theirs description can be found at the beginning of the main in training.py . After the settings are ready the training can be launch by simply typing:

python training.py

After the training, together with the network weights, also a configuration file is saved (in JSON format). This file is required to use the network later. Take a look at the testNetwork function (in training.py) to load and use a network previously trained with our method.


DeeplabV3-for-Corals has been developed by Gaia Pavoni (gaia.pavoni@isti.cnr.it) and Massimiliano Corsini (massimiliano.corsini@isti.cnr.it). Feel free to contact us for any inquiries about the project.