
create a universal socket library. which can be used in multiply platform. it is designed for client side. test platform is cocos2d-x and KBEngine.

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


It is an universal socket library. which can be used in multiply platform. it is designed for client side. Test bed is cocos2d-x and KBEngine. cocos2d-x is famious cross platform game engine. KBEngine is a mmo rpg game server. I will implement a working DEMO around them: A cross platform chat client connected to KBE chat server.

update:2014/12 /19 PLEASE CHECK HERE: https://github.com/cnsoft/kbengine_cocos2dx_demo/tree/master/kbedemo/libKBEClient . more feature is under designed.

if you interest with this project also. fork it. and mail me cnsoft#gmail.com .

visit http://open.chenlong.me/ and download my game is the best support!

Ogre UnrealEngine Torque should works also. no python in client side.