

Primary LanguageJavaScript

relationMatrix 相关性矩阵

The circle's radius and color is both up to the realtion value, you can change the source code to meet your needs.
The file offered a function relationMatrix with one parameter options, its properties is below:
使用D3.js编写了relationMatrix.js,该文件提供一个函数relationMatrix, 函数需要传入一个参数options, 默认配置如下:

    options = {
        margin: { top: 50, right: 50, bottom: 100, left: 100 }, // 边缘
        data: [],  // 数据,二维数组的格式
        container: "canvas", // 需要绘入图表的DOM元素的ID
        labels: [], // 标签数组
        max: {
            color: "red", // 最大颜色
            value: 1 // 最大值
        min: {
            color: "blue" // 最小颜色
            value: -1 // 最小值
        cellSize: 60, // 每个格子的大小
        isSymmetry: true // 是否对称

注意: 这里的是否对称isSymmetry是指最大值和最小值是否是以0为界,正负对称,这决定圆圈半径的选取方式。例如皮尔逊相关系数在-11之间。不是指矩阵是否对称,矩阵完全由输入的data值决定
Note: The property isSymmetry is not for Symmetric Matrix, but for "Is the maximum and minimum is bounded by zero, one positive and one negative".As we know, Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) is between 1 and -1.

After import relationMatrix.js, a "HOW TO USE" example is below:

    // test Data
    function makeArray(length){
        let result = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < length; i ++){
            let array_i = [];
            for(let j = 0; j < length; j ++){
                array_i.push(Math.random() * 2 - 1);
        return result;
    function makeLabel(length){
        let result = [];
        for(let i = 0; i < length; i ++){
        return result;
    var options = {
        margin: { top: 50, right: 50, bottom: 100, left: 100 },
        data: [],
        container: "canvas",
        labels: [],
        max: {
            value: 1
        min: {
            value: -1
        cellSize: 60,
        isSymmetry: true
    function paint(){
        var num = 10;
        options.data = makeArray(num);
        options.labels = makeLabel(num);