
Custom reports for use with GnuCash (http://gnucash.org/).

Primary LanguageScheme


Custom reports for use with GnuCash, the open source personal and small business financial accounting software.

See http://gnucash.org/.


To add a custom report to GnuCash:

  1. Download the corresponding .scm files (note: there are two .scm files for each report, a definition file, e.g., custom.scm, and an implementation file, e.g., custom_imp.scm), or clone this github repository.

  2. Add the following to config.user in your GnuCash configuration directory:

(set! %load-path (append %load-path '("PATH TO .SCM FILES")))
(use-modules (NAME))

Note: By default, the GnuCash configuration directory is located at ~/.gnucash/ (on Linux) or ~/Library/Application Support/GnuCash/ (on OS X).

  1. Start GnuCash using something like:
gnucash --debug --log gnc.scm=debug --logto stdout

The custom report(s) should appear under Reports -> Sample & Custom.

An Example

The files custom.scm and custom_imp.scm define a bare bones template for a GnuCash report. Assuming you clone this github repository in ~/gnucash-reports.git, you could add the template custom report to GnuCash by adding the following to config.user:

(define (homedir) (passwd:dir (getpw (getlogin))))
(set! %load-path (append %load-path (list (string-append (homedir) '"/gnucash-reports.git"))))
(use-modules (custom))