


git -- git is likely installed, but if it's not

Install k3d

curl -s | bash

Install kubectl

If you don't already have kubectl installed, visit and follow instructions for your OS

If you are on a Mac and have homebrew, you can install it with brew install kubectl or download as intructed in the link above

Install flux cli v2

Follow instructions at

Or if you're feeling froggy: curl -s | sh

Create a k3d cluster

k3d cluster create gitops -p "9999:30001@server:0"

Install flux using the flux cli

flux install

Download the necessary repos for the hands-on lab

mkdir ~/demo-repos # or whever you wanna create a directory for the repos
cd ~/demo-repos # or wherever you created the directory
git clone
git clone

Deploy the Flux custom resource objects

cd ~/demo-repos/gitops-demo
kubectl apply -f manifests/qjs-ns.yaml # create the namespace for the demo
kubectl apply -f manifests/qjs-repo-crd.yaml -n qjs # create the repo object 
kubectl apply -f manifests/qjs-kustomization-crd.yaml -n qjs # create the Flux kustomization object to notify flux to deploy the application from the qjs-demo repository and watch for changes

Verify deployment

kubectl get pods -n qjs # pod should exist and be in a running state 2/2

Access the application in the browser

Browse to localhost:9999 and get your boomstick ready

Tear it down (if you don't wanna keep the quake server/client running in k3d on your system for funsies)

k3d cluster delete gitops