
Aliyun oss for Laravel5, also support flysystem adapter

Primary LanguagePHP

Aliyun OSS adapter

Aliyun oss for Laravel5, also support flysystem adapter.


This package can be installed through Composer.

composer require orzcc/aliyun-oss

This service provider must be registered.

// config/app.php

'providers' => [

At last, you can edit the config file: config/filesystem.php.

add a disk config to the config

'oss' => [
    'driver'       => 'oss',
  	'access_id'    => 'Your oss access id',
  	'access_key' 	 => 'Your oss access key',
  	'bucket' 	     => 'Your project bucket on oss',
  	'endpoint'     => '', // 青岛节点需要指定,杭州节点不需要
    'prefix'       => ''  // Path prefix, default can keep empty

change default to oss

'default' => 'oss';


You can now use Laravel5's flysystem to upload or get file/directory from oss, follow the document, http://laravel.com/docs/5.0/filesystem