
Javascript Basics Problem Set

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Javascript Basics - Problem Set

  • Please Fork & Clone this repo.
  • For each problem, modify the relevant file in the challengesfolder. We encourage you to commit often and push your changes to github.
  • You will submit this problem set for review. Make sure to submit your pull request by Thursday morning. We will particularly look at the Shakespearian Insult Generator and Palindrome Detector, so focus your energy on those problems.


  1. Shakespearian Insult Generator
  2. Palindrome Detector
  3. Prime Numbers

Executing your code

There are a number of options for running/executing your code. They all have their uses, so we encourage you to learn all of them:

  • From the browser:
    • Using the Chrome Developer Console
      • Tip: Use and to cycle through your code history. Pressing selects the current suggestion. If there’s a single suggestion, Tab to select it.
  • From the command line:
    • Using the Node REPL / Shell
      • Tip: Type .exit to quit. Use and to cycle through your code history.
    • Using the node some-file.js command
      • Tip: Use ctrl + c (shortcut) to quit "hanging" programs. And make sure to console.log("your output").