
Visualize data coming from an API endpoint

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Visualize data coming from an API in a CMS-like app


Please check out our guidelines



  1. clone or download the repo

  2. install MongoDB locally or get the URI of the MongoDB you're using

  3. go to your apiviz folder

  4. use Python 2

  5. install python pip and virtualenv

    sudo apt install python-pip
    sudo apt install virtualenv
  6. install a virtual environment

    virtualenv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
  7. install the libraries

    sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
  8. if any problem occur here try to reinstall pip with

  curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python
  1. optional : update the app/config_app/config_secret_vars_example.py file with your mongoDB URI (if you're not using default mongoDB connection

  2. Go to your app folder and run :

    python run_apiviz.py
  3. optional : you can also use some variables in the command line :

    # get the list of available CLI options
    python run_apiviz.py --help
    # for example : run with a custom port number in testing mode
    pythom run_apiviz.py --port=8200 --mode=preprod
  4. Install Node.js and npm

  5. Build the front-end

    cd app/frontend
    npm install
    # build the bundle.js
    npm run build
    # you can also build and watch the bundle.js
    npm run watch
  6. optional : if you encounter problems while building try this

    rm -rf app/frontend/node_modules
    npm install 
    npm run build
  7. check in your browser at localhost:8100


  1. get a server - check digital ocean, OVH, ...
  2. optionnal : get a domain name : check OVH, namecheap, godaddy.... + setup DNS
  3. follow (most of) these instructions
  4. create a app/config_app/config_secret_vars_prod.py file based on config_secret_vars_example.py structure
  5. go to app folder and create a virtual env (for instance called "venv")
  6. set up the gunicorn service and NGINX accordingly
  7. ... pray for all that to work as expected, and keep calm...

PRODUCTION : update code and deploy

cd /<your_app_folder>/<username>/app_apiviz
git pull origin master
cd app/frontend

# build the frontend
npm install
npm run build

# rerun app
sudo systemctl restart apiviz


Tech stack


ApiViz's team thanks :

Contacts - maintainance :

SCREENSHOTS (development)

...TO DO