
Home Test from ThoughtWorks Continuous Integration (CI)

Primary LanguageSCSS


In modern agile software development practice, there is a development practice called "Continuous Integration (CI)", which needs to generate a deployable version at any time, any place. Usually in the actual development, the developer push the code to the code library, and this will automatically trigger a series of actions, such as code checking, compiling, running testing, packaging. These steps are run through automated scripts to a group of servers, and we would like to create a product like CRUISE, which can easily manage these servers, monitor or set the status.


  • Desktop HD Mockup are MANDATORY, other mockups are optional. ✅
  • The layout should look CONSISTENTLY for IE10+, latest Chrome and Firefox.✅
  • Third-party frameworks and libraries are NOT ALLOWED.✅
  • Webpack/Grunt/Gulp, Babel, SASS/LESS and test libraries are ALLOWED.✅


  • Implement Responsive Design ❎
  • Javascript Unit Test ✅

Project setup


Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Mocha Test

mochapack fixed zinserjan/mocha-webpack#304

yarn test