
plainOpts - plain option parsing from the command-line

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plainOpts - plain option parsing from the command-line



The idea is simple:

  1. create an plainopts object
  2. tell plainopts about flags, options and supported arguments
  3. parse argv
  4. react

This is an example usage case:

/* definition */
PlainOpts popts; 
popts.add_option<string>(plainopts::MANDATORY, "o", "ohmygodtheykilled");
popts.add_flag(plainopts::OPTIONAL, "f");
popts.set_help("f", "you screwed this one up!");

/* parse after definition */
if (!popts.parse(argc,argv)) {
    cout << "failed parsing" << endl;

/* usage */
if (popts.is_set("f") && (popts.get<string>("o") == "kenny")) {
    cout << "you bastards!!!" << endl;

Declaring a flag

A flag is an option without an value: ./program -v

Using our lib you would define an optional flag ('v') as follows: PlainOpts popts; popts.add_flag(plainopts:OPTIONAL, "v");

Declaring an option

An option is a flag with a value: ./program -v 4

Using our lib you would define the option ('v') as follows: PlainOpts popts; popts.add_option(plainopts:OPTIONAL, "v"); .... if (popts.get("v") == 4) { ... }

This tells the lib that the value for the option 'v' is of type int and should be treated as such.

Declaring an argument