
a simple service that collects events and allows you to query them

Primary LanguageGo

Simple Metrics In Go

A metrics service, that allows simple aggregations on events collected.

example binary & usage:

build the example webserver:

go build -o exampleServer cmd/exampleServer/main.go 

and then you can record events by using curl:

 curl -XGET "localhost:8080/collect?label=req.duration&value=122"

which translates into: collect the value 122 at the current time for the event group "req.duration"

and then ask for an aggregation on those events with a certain sample rate:

curl -XGET "localhost:8080/aggregate/sum" # not working yet


To build and run the example web server, you can use the provided docker file.

Run the following command from the main directory in order to build the image:

docker build -t simplemetrics:latest .  

Run the following command to start the example web server listening on port 8888 in detached mode:

docker run -d -p8888:8080 simplemetrics:latest   

WIP - brainstorming ahead


  • label : string
  • occured: time
  • value: int

e.g. Event("request.duration", 12/12/2021@12:12:00, 12)

service.collect(event) ...


  • label
  • time range (start, end)
  • sampleRate in ms
  • aggregation


  • sum
  • min
  • max (opt)
  • avg (opt)

e.g: Query("request.duration", 10/12/2021@12:12:00, 13/12/2021@12:12:00, 60*1000, "avg")

timeSeries = service.query(Query)


  • [{value, startDate 0}, ...., {value, startDate N}]