
A bash utility framework

Primary LanguageShell



A command line framework in bash offering a set of utilities/helpers to ease coding in bash.


lib offers a set of functions in bash that are helpers that can be called from the terminal or be included in the scope of a bash script. For better usability, functions are ordered by namespsaces.


lib <function-name> [<function-arguments>...]
lib --all # view all functions
lib --all --namespace  # view all namespaces
lib --all --namespace Regex # view all functions under the namespace Regex
lib --all Array.join # view documentation for specific function (here Array.join)

Terminal user story

dude@machine ~ $ lib Text bold This text will be output in bold\!

Script integration user story


## Import lib into your script's scope

lib --import

## Now you call any lib function you want, it will be called within the process

lib test This is a test
lib Text color green This text will appear in green
lib Array join , 1 2 3 4


As sudo (global install)

git clone https://github.com/co2-git/lib.git
sudo ln -s lib/lib.sh /usr/bin/lib

Local install

git clone https://github.com/co2-git/lib.git
echo "alias lib='/path/to/lib/lib.sh'" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc