
Script and data used in report on gender political violence in Brazil, by Letícia Sabbatini, Viktor Chagas, Vinícius Machado Miguel, Gabriella Rezende and Sabrina Dray.


Script and data used in report on gender political violence in Brazil, by Letícia Sabbatini, Viktor Chagas, Vinícius Machado Miguel, Gabriella Rezende and Sabrina Dray.

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Recognizing the files

File / Folder Description
plots PNG plotted charts
data_coding Coded DBs
data_seeds Datasets on Women MPs and Political Parties in Brazil

Using this data

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English version:

Source: Research Laboratory for Communication, Political Cultures and Economies of Collaboration (coLAB).

Portuguese version:

Fonte: Laboratório de Pesquisa em Comunicação, Culturas Políticas e Economia da Colaboração (coLAB).

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