A mod made by coal deficit and 7rodo that adds new turrets and walls to defend your core. Contains 25 new turrets, 21 new production blocks, 11 new walls and misc defence blocks, 15 new resources, a new liquid, 1 new power generator, 3 new drills, 8 new extractors, 2 new cores, 16 new environmental tiles and 21 new units including 2 boss units. Discord server invite: Invite.
Feel free to join our discord server (Invite), go to the #suggestions channel, say what you want added to this mod, explain why you want it added to this mod and how it would improve this mod.
Make an issue with the bug label and explain it in detail. Please also consider making a pull request that fixes the bug if possible if fixing said bug is too complicated for either of the devs.
Go to the Mods menu, click/tap on Import Mod, click/tap on Import From Github, enter coaldeficit/MoreDefences
into the box that appears and press OK. The game should close to reload mods. Reopen the game after it closes and you should be able to play with the mod.
This is a list of people who have contributed to developing this mod.
- coal deficit: Developer
- IvyX: Former developer, made most of the content in the mod prior to handing over the project to coal deficit
- 7rodo: Co-developer
- Awesomespore: Made a pull request that nerfed instant's bullet range
- meowkitty: Made and remade various environmental tile sprites