
Easy clojure form validation

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


Easy clojure form validations


Make your deps.edn look like this:

coast-framework/validator {:mvn/version "2.0.1"}


Require it like this

(ns your-project
  (:require [validator.core :as validator]))

First, define the table and columns to be validated

(def params
  (validator/params :account
    [:required [:email :password]]))

Then validate a ring request map

(let [account {:params {:account {:email "f@f.com" :password "correct battery horse staple"}}}]
  (params account))

; returns
{:account {:email "f@f.com" :password "correct battery horse staple"}}

Qualified keyword maps work too!

(params {:params {:account/email "f@f.com"}})

; => returns {:account/email "f@f.com"}

When there's a validation error, an exception is thrown

(params {:params {:account/email ""}})

; => clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo {:ex-data :error.core/e {:email "Email must not be blank"}}

Custom messages are supported

(def params
  (validator/params :account
    [:required [:email :password] "is required"]))

(params {:params {}})

; => clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo {:ex-data :error.core/e {:email "Email is required" :password "Password is required"}}

Built in validators

Below is the list of available, built in validator rules

  • :required [msg] - must not be absent, blank, or nil
  • :contains [msg] - must not be absent, but can be blank or nil
  • :not-blank [msg] - may be absent but not blank or nil
  • :exact [msg] - must be a particular value
  • :equal [msg] - all keys must be equal
  • :email [msg] - must be a valid email
  • :url [msg] - must be a valid URL
  • :web-url [msg] - must be a valid website URL (http or https)
  • :link-url [msg] - must be a valid link URL (can be relative, http: or https: may be omitted)
  • :matches [msg] - must match a regular expression
  • :min-length [msg] - must be a certain length (for strings or collections)
  • :max-length [msg] - must not exceed a certain length (for strings or collections)
  • :complete [msg] - must be a collection with no blank or nil values
  • :min-val [msg] - must be at least a certain value
  • :max-val [msg] - must be at most a certain value
  • :within [msg] - must be within a certain range (inclusive)
  • :positive [msg] - must be a positive number
  • :negative [msg] - must be a negative number
  • :after [msg] - must be after a certain date
  • :before [msg] - must be before a certain date
  • :in [msg] - must be contained within a collection
  • :every-in [msg] - each value must be within a collection (for values that are themselves collections)
  • :us-zip [msg] - must be a valid US zip code
  • :luhn [msg] - must be pass the Luhn check (e.g., for credit card numbers)
  • Datatype validations: :string, :boolean, :integer, :float, :decimal, :date (plus aliases)
  • Datatype collection validations: :strings, :booleans, :integers, :floats, :decimals, :dates (plus aliases)

This library uses verily under the hood.


cd validator && make test




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