
Primary LanguageShell

textsend and textrecv comprise a system for safely moving source code
from one system to another over a network.

once set up, the workflow using these tools goes like this:
  1) make changes and test them in a dev environment.
  2) changes are automatically and invisibly duplicated into a
     checkin environment.
  3) switch to the checkin environment, review and commit the changes

textsend and textrecv automate part of a workflow that help deter
unauthorized changes to your projects. however, they are no substitute
for thinking. the review in step 3 above is very important. you _must_
review changes before checking the code in. this is the opportunity to
find changes that you didn't make, (however unlikely you might consider
it) along with all the other types of bugs and problems.

you were reviewing before checkin anyway, right? to make sure you
didn't leave in printfs or other debugging code, and to help you
compose the commit message, etc. all we're doing is moving the review
and check-in to a different environment. don't think of these happening
in dev anymore.

the intent is to help in general ameliorate this kind of vulnerability:

but we must consider this tool to be a stab in the right direction
rather than a definitive solution. because it does not help with that
specific npm vulnerability, or others in package managers. this crude
little tool is intended to help keep malicious changes out of git, and
doesn't help you with full-fledged package managers such as npm,
rubygems, debian, etc.

a fuller solution would involve a way to build packages from git
projects, perhaps automatically when a tag of a certain format is
committed. but it is necessary to build the package without running
any code in the project.

textsend pushes source code from a 'dev' system where it is authored
and tested to a 'checkin' system running textrecv where git (or
another vcs) is used to publish it.

in order to use this properly, you must have some other system for
achieving privilege isolation: the dev environment should be on a
separate jail, container, virtual machine or distinct physical
machine from the checkin environment. proper setup to acheive this
isolation is well beyond the scope of these instructions, but a
few specifics to note:
  *  dev should not have any way to talk to checkin except the
     textsend/textrecv channel.
  *  you should not be able to ssh from dev to checkin. (probably not
     anywhere else either.)
  *  dev should not know any secret keys, passwords, or other secret
     credentials known to checkin. (except for the secret gpg2 key used
     to authenticate data sent from textsend to textrecv.)
  *  in particular, the git password and/or secret key used to push to
     origin should not be present on dev.
  *  you should never run any of the code transmitted by textrecv
     in the checkin environment. best practice is for the requisite
     interpreters or compilers needed to use the code simply not
     be present on checkin.
  *  as a special case of the last bullet item: tests, build scripts
     or packaging scripts should never be run on the checkin

textrecv enforces the following restrictions on the data it receives:
  *  only files and directories, no symlinks, devices, or other
     special files.
  *  no extended/special attributes, sticky bits, setuid or other
     weird modes.
  *  no funny business with filenames. in general, only normal-looking
     ascii is allowed in filenames. nothing that could be specially
     interpreted by the shell or common cmdline programs allowed in
     filenames. no utf-8. if you confine yourself to the normal
     characters for source file names, you will be fine:
          a-z A-Z 0-9 . _ -  perhaps a few more
  *  no binary files (or more specifically, no ansi escape char, \033)
     allowed. this restriction should still allow the full range of
     non-escape utf-8 chars in file contents.

these restrictions are intended to make it safe to work with the files
received by textrecv with ordinary shell tools without risk of system
compromise, unexpected behavior, or need to think hard about it.

a very crude technique is used to configure both textsend and
textrecv: there are a few variables at the top of both scripts that
determine the address, port, and gpg2 keyname used to communicate over.
edit these lines by hand to change the configuration. (do this
configuration first, before installing as in the next paragraphs.)

textrecv can be installed using this command:
    textrecv --install <username> <port>
this should be run as root in the checkin environment. it will create
the requisite users (2 of them) and setup textrecv to start
automatically from /etc/rc.local .

textsend can be installed using this command:
    textsend --cron <dirname>
this should be run as an ordinary user with permission to read the
named directory. it will set up textsend to run automatically whenever
the named source dir changes.

in order to ensure data integrity, gpg2 is used to sign data sent from
the dev to the checkin environments. a gpg2 keypair needs to be shared
between the 2 environments. (dev needs the secret key, checkin should
need just the public key, tho it's safe for both halves to be present
there.) textrecv --install will help you generate an appropriate key,
unless you set the NO_GEN_KEY environment variable. there's also a
standalone script textrecv_genkey if you prefer to generate it
separately. be sure you have enough entropy on the system generating
keys! as with all keys, be careful not to leave copies lying around
other than on the system(s) where it is needed. use srm or another
secure-wipe tool to delete extraneous copies.

textsend --cron requires a cron with linux-style magical @hourly and
@reboot cron specifications. it also requires linux-like inotifywait.
if you don't have/want those tools installed, you can still run
textsend manually; just pass the name of the directory to send as its
first argument. and invoke it yourself every time your source code
changes in dev.

why use this tool instead of the many other ways to move files over a
network? other tools are more general-purpose (even git) and not
designed to avoid the perils of potentially malicious source code.
rsync, for instance, makes no promises about file integrity (unless
you use ssh as a transport). scp or sftp move files with guaranteed
integrity, but require an ssh installation. it is _very_ tricky to
install ssh in such a way as to allow file movement only and prohibit
all general remote execution. at least, I never saw an easy and fool-
proof way to set up scp-only mode. (think you did it right? did you
prevent write access to ~/.bashrc ? how about to the user's crontab?
or ~/.init/* on upstart-based systems (ubuntu and derivatives) ?)
not that it can't be done, but it's way more difficult it oughtta be.
no other tool prevents shenanigans with filenames or escape sequences
in file contents. (tho git tries to avoid them in branch and ref names)
and all of those other tools are rather complicated by comparison.
textsend and textrecv are (still fairly) small and easy to audit.

the name is terrible. I'm sorry, but I couldn't think of a better one.