Community developed Quarto extension to enable interactive Python code cells in HTML documents using Pyodide
- 2
- 1
Problem with even simple functions in python
#23 opened by sijuswamy - 4
Support Altair charts
#7 opened by joelostblom - 1
[Q&A]: Animations
#22 opened by AustenLamacraft - 4
[Q&A]: Possible to retain values of code written in a code cell on refresh?
#21 opened by tomicapretto - 0
- 1
Shim/capture `seaborn` and/or `plotnine`
#11 opened by coatless - 0
- 3
- 1
[Q&A]: setup 'cell' behaviour in book project
#17 opened by lmoresi - 1
[Q&A]: Pyodide for book pages
#16 opened by m-r-k - 1
[Feature]: Custom environments
#15 opened by psychemedia - 4
Add run all code cells / autorun
#5 opened by coatless - 1
[Q&A]: Making use of shiny
#14 opened by psychemedia - 7
- 0
Blob inline web worker
#12 opened by coatless - 1
- 0
Add a read-only option for the code cell
#4 opened by coatless - 6
Proof of Concept Feedback Thread
#2 opened by coatless - 1
Extension Release Notification
#1 opened by coatless