
semantic versioning bash script to be applied on a git repo

Primary LanguageShell

Naming versioning on alpine


$ docker build . -t alpine-sv
$ docker run -e GIT_BRANCH=origin/develop -e GIT_COMMIT=5209fb41 -e GIT_URL=git@gitlab.services:crawling/gocrawl-demo.git -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh -ti --rm cobak/alpine-sv ./semantic-version.sh
GIT_BRANCH: use origin/develop origin/master and origin/hotfix/* 
GIT_COMMIT: your commit hash
GIT_URL: your repository url

all this parameters can be extract from jenkins or gitlab variables

  • bind a volume with an .ssh directory with the right credentials to connect to the repo you set.
  • there are others alternatives to this approach, like docker-secrets, .env, etc.

Usage on Gitlab Ci

  stage: versioning
    - docker run -e GIT_BRANCH=$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME -e GIT_COMMIT=$CI_BUILD_REF -e GIT_URL=$CI_BUILD_REPO -v ./:app/ --rm cobak/alpine-sv ./semantic-version.sh