
Triggers events on various page elements as they are scrolled in to and out of view.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Triggers events on various page elements as they are scrolled in to and out of view.

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Bind events using the .on() method:

// Pseudo-JavaScript
$('#element').scrollWatch(options).on(eventName, callback, thisArg);

// Example
$('#element').scrollWatch().on('scroll', function(event) {


  • on(eventName, callback, [thisArg]) - Binds an event


  • scrollin (event) — Triggered once, when the element is fully visible in the viewport.
  • scrollout (event) — Triggered once, when the none of the element is visible. Only triggers if scrollin has been called on the element.
  • scroll (event) — Triggered many times, every scroll event when the element is partially or fully visible.

Event object


A string that is either 'up' or 'down' indicating which direction the user is scrolling.


The original jQuery Event object.


A percent of the element that is visible, only useful for the scroll event.

  • Between 0 and -1 when the top of the element is bleeding out of view.
  • Between 0 and 1 when the bottom of the element is bleeding out of view.
  • Is 1 on the scrollin event
  • Is 0 on the scrollout event

NOTE: Elements that are taller than the viewport would technically never have 100% visibility. However, visibility will jump to 1 when both the top and bottom of the element are bleeding off the screen (effectively the element is taking up the entire vertical viewport space).



  • watchOn - The scrollable element to watch on. Can be a selector, DOM node or jQuery object. When using a custom element, it should have overflow: scroll. Defaults to window.