
Get routing tables from Cisco XE, NXOS, and ASA devices. It then parses the data and prints the route details.

Primary LanguagePython

Cisco Routing

Currently this program gets routing tables from Cisco XE, NXOS, and ASA devices. It then parses the data and prints the route details.


You can call the routing table class directly from your program and run conditional statements if desired. For example code visit main.py


  1. Create a connection object
  2. Create a routing table object
  3. Call the class property to access the routing table. Data structure is list of lists

    >>> connection_obj = device_login(ip, username, password, enable) >>> table_obj = xe_routing.RoutingIos(netmiko_connection) >>> [print(", ".join(i)) for i in table_obj.route_table]