
View real-time bandwidth for Cisco XE devices

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


XE-Bandwidth Monitoring


Check to see if your device is compatible to use this program. Use the following instructions - https://developer.cisco.com/docs/ios-xe/#!enabling-restconf-on-ios-xe

Tested Models
  -ASR 1000 Series
  -ISR 4000 Series
  -CSR 1000v
  -CAT 3000 Series
YANG models options:
  -ietf-interfaces:interfaces-state. When using this model the program calculates the bandwidth. In turn, data may be slightly less accurate but still close
  -Cisco-IOS-XE-interfaces-oper:interfaces. Exact bandwidth calculated by the device. The progam only converts from kbps to mbps

Easy With Docker (Image needs to be updated to reflect IETF Model)

Visit https://hub.docker.com/r/cober2019/cisco_xe_bandwidth_monitor or just execute "docker pull cober2019/cisco_xe_bandwidth_monitor" from docker CLI. When running the image set Local Host option to 3000. The container port should display 3000/tcp to the right.


The following dependencies are required. If you don't have the following dependencies installed, execute: "sudo bash install_dependencies.sh"
Once Dependecies Are Installed:

  *Note: If you're using windows 10, you can use built-in Ubuntu*

  1. Clone this repo to you server and navigate to the /ios-xe-bandwidth-monitor (root) directory.
  2. Execute command "sudo bash init_app_routes" which will take care of everything below. When running the script, SSL certs will be created for app to api security. TLSv1.3 for transport.

  *If you want to manualy install then continue with these steps:*

  2. Located package.json and execute code "npm install package.json"
  3. Once packages are installed, execute code "node server.js&"
  4. Navigate to
  5. Create a virtual environment by executing "python3.8 -m venv ios-xe-bandwdith-monitor-env" and activate the env using "source ios-xe-bandwdith-monitor-env/bin/activate"
  6. Install python modules using pip "pip install -r requirements.txt"
  7. Start the API using "Python3 api_routes.py"
  8. Go back to the web app and login to your device

-This program communicates using two protocols, ssh and https/restconf. All connectivity is located in BackendModules/device_calls.py
