Project: Would you rather?

In the "Would You Rather?" Project, I made a web app that lets a user play the “Would You Rather?” game.

In your app, users will be able to answer questions, see which questions they haven’t answered, see how other people have voted, post questions, and see the ranking of users on the leaderboard.. Backend data is from Would you rather starter.


  1. State management using redux
  2. Routing views
  3. Meet functionality


  1. install package $npm install

  2. start application $npm start


LogIn Flow

  • Does the application have a way to log in and log out?
  • Does the application work correctly regardless of which person the user impersonates?

Application Functionality

  • Does the home page have the desired functionality?
  • Are the polling questions listed in the correct category (Unanswered vs Answered), and do they have the desired functionality on the home page?
  • Are the details of each poll displayed with all of the relevant information?
  • Does the voting mechanism work correctly?
  • Can users add new polls?
  • Does the leaderboard work correctly and have the desired functionality?
  • Is the application navigable?
  • Does the application interact with the backend correctly?
  • Does the code run without errors? Is the code free of warnings that resulted from not following the best practices listed in the documentation, such as using key for list items? Is the code formatted properly?


  • Does the store serve as the application’s single source of truth?
  • Is application state managed by Redux?
  • Does application state update correctly?
  • Does the architecture of the application make sense?

Lessons learned

  1. State management in React
  2. Routing in React