scala version of
sbt run
sbt nativeImage
sbt assembly
java -jar target/scala-2.13/matrix-rain-assembly-0.7.jar [-d {h,v}]
[-c {green, red, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan, white}]
[-k {ascii, binary, braille, emoji, katakana}]
The famous Matrix rain effect of falling green characters as a cli command
Optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
-d, --direction <value> {h, v}
Change direction of rain. h=horizontal, v=vertical
-c, --color <value> {green, red, blue, yellow, magenta, cyan, white}
Rain color. NOTE: droplet start is always white
-k, --char-range <value>
{ascii, binary, braille, emoji, katakana}
Use rain characters from char-range
-m, --mask-path <value> Use the specified image to build a mask for the raindrops.
-i, --invert-mask Invert the mask specified with --mask-path.
--offset-row <value> Move the upper left corner of the mask down n rows.
--offset-col <value> Move the upper left corner of the mask right n columns.
--font-ratio <value> Ratio between character height over width in the terminal.
--image-scale <value> Scale image by ratio, default is 1.0
--print-mask Print mask and exit.