
Discord bot that replies to commands

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MehlBot is a Discord bot that responds to commands by executing (callback) functions.

It's built around the discord.Client class. This allows an easy integration to existing bots and creation of new bots.

Documentation: docs

See examples/hellow_bot.py for full source code.

# imports ... 

class HelloBot(discord.Client):  # discord.Client class

    def __init__(self, intents: Intents, **options) -> None:
        super().__init__(intents=intents, **options)

    async def on_ready(self) -> None:  # Gets called when bot is ready/started
        print("Bot started.")

    async def on_message(self, message: Message):
        if message.author == self.user:  # skip if message's author is the bot

        # necessary callback command
        # bot_commands are in mehlbot.command
        command_found = await command_callback.process_command(self, bot_commands, message)

        # prefix with command if message is command
        log_msg = "" if not command_found else "command: "
        log_msg += f"{message.author.nick} ({message.author.name}): '{message.content}'"

def main():
    hello_bot = HelloBot(discord.Intents.all())  # discord intents
    with Path("token.txt").open() as file:  # load token form file (.gitignore) or use env
        token = file.read()

And this shows how to add commands

from mehlbot.command import add_command

async def _add(message: discord.Message, client: discord.Client, args: List):
    url = args[0]

async def _export_playlist(message: discord.Message, client: discord.Client, args: List):
    playlist = args[0]
add_command("add", _add,
            allowed_num_args=[["url"]], # requires exactly 1 argument
            description="Adds the given YouTube url to the current playlist.")

add_command("export playlist", _export_playlist,
            allowed_num_args=[[], ["playlist_name"]], # either 0 or 1 arg
            description="Exports urls of current playlist or of given playlist.")