
A plugin for the Google protobuf compiler (protoc) that generates mocks for Python.

Primary LanguagePython


Status: Proof of concept with some known limitations.

A plugin for the Google protobuf compiler (protoc) that generates mocks for Python.

Each .proto file compiled will have a corresponding _mock.py file generated, which, for each protobuf message, contains a corresponing make_{snake_case_of_message_name} function, e.g. message ExampleRequest in example.proto will get a corresponding make_example_request() function in a example_mock.py file.

Each function supports keyword-only arguments which can be used to provide specific initial values.

Nested message definitions will result in nested make_* function definitions as well.

Where message definitions refer to other messages, it will be initialised using the relevant make_* function.

The intended use (at this stage) is to generate code, which can be altered as required with more sensible values where applicable.


protoc-gen-mocks is a plugin for the protoc compiler, which is enabled using the --plugin and --mocks_out options.


protoc --plugin="protoc-gen-mocks=$(which protoc-gen-mocks)" examples/*.proto --mocks_out=.  --proto_path=. --python_out=. --pyi_out=.


python -m grpc_tools.protoc --plugin="protoc-gen-mocks=$(which protoc-gen-mocks)" examples/*.proto --mocks_out=.  --proto_path=. --python_out=. --pyi_out=.