- 2
coc-svelte not working, Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'debug')
#59 opened by sleep2death - 0
- 17
after migration to svelte 4: "cannot find module /.../node_modules/svelte/compiler"
#65 opened by m1027 - 3
- 3
Enable update imports on renaming files
#40 opened by Theo-Steiner - 1
Go to reference
#58 opened by lichstam - 0
- 0
lang="ts" doesn't work
#62 opened by LeviOP - 1
Switching between Svelte files and other file types lead to an annoying error
#55 opened by nima-dvlp - 0
Error when triggering completion
#61 opened by marekdedic - 1
Auto closing of html tags closes the tag with the parent element when both coc-svelte and coc-html are installed
#48 opened by salaerts - 2
Error: You must provide the URL of lib/mappings.wasm by calling SourceMapConsumer.
#52 opened by stevenhansel - 0
- 2
Error on activate extension coc-svelte
#49 opened by pedrokpp - 3
Weird behavior using Sveltekit + TS
#45 opened by gaylonalfano - 0
Get "Error detected while processing function..." when try to open HTML tag in svelte file
#44 opened by peshoicov - 2
- 2
Debugging the plugin itself!
#37 opened by MaMrEzO - 3
- 6
[coc.nvim] The "svelte" server crashed 5 times in the last 3 minutes. The server will not be restarted.
#15 opened by dvlpr91 - 1
- 4
Go to definition with @rollup/plugin-alias
#14 opened by icalvin102 - 1
Doesn't support // @ts-ignore
#31 opened by jacobmischka - 1
Cannot find module './html/autoClose'
#28 opened by jesperp - 2
Extension out of date
#24 opened by abalmos - 2
Prettier doesn't work in .svelte files
#19 opened by alcibiadesc - 0
Broken link in FAQ
#23 opened by artvinn - 3
- 1
- 8
Svelte plugin crashing
#13 opened by Jayphen - 4
Upstream deps sync
#16 opened by codechips - 2
- 3
Extension seems not to be running at all
#9 opened by fnune - 3
Imported Svelte elements show as being unused even if used in the body of the svelte file.
#1 opened by JoshuaJWilborn - 6
Consider Official Svelte Language Server
#4 opened by justinmoon - 0
Module "X" has no default export.
#5 opened by AnatoleLucet - 7
Weird bug with emmet and CocAction('format')
#6 opened by monkoose - 2
- 2