
Simple tool for analyzing local CockroachDB log files using Splunk and Docker

Primary LanguageDockerfile

CockroachDB Log File Analysis with Splunk


This simple project spins up and properly configures a single node Splunk Docker image and parses a provided debug.zip file containing CockroachDB log files. The intent of this project is to simplify troubleshooting of log files across a multi-node CockroachDB cluster. Since the timestamps included in the current version of CockroachDB log files are not parsed correctly by Splunk out of the box, a number of configurations have been modified to support the CockroachDB format. Those configurations can be found in the splunk > conf directory.

For example, a typical line in a CockroachDB log file looks like this...

I181220 15:30:03.971234 1 util/log/clog.go:1176  [config] running on machine: us-central1-node-0003

Where the first character is either I, W, E or F, signifying an INFO, WARN, ERROR or FATAL statement. Immediately following the log level is the custom timestamp, which is equivalent to %y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S.%6N in standard Unix strptime() parlance. The rest of the log statement is application specific.

I created a quick dashboard (see below) to summarize the events found in the debug.zip. You can use this dashboard to drill into specific days or events of interest.



Getting Started

  1. Clone the project locally.

  2. Place a CockroachDB generated debug.zip file in the root the projects splunk directory.

  3. Run ./run-start.sh to bring up the Splunk instance and begin indexing your CockroachDB debug.zip file.

  4. To access the Splunk UI go to http://localhost:8000. The username is admin and the password is roach1234 as specified by the SPLUNK_PASSWORD environment variable in the docker-compose.yml file.

  5. To stop and cleanup, run ./run-clean.sh. This will stop Splunk and execute docker system prune -a -f ....

Thoughts and Considerations

  • This is useful for analyzing a relatively small amount of data given this single node, Docker based approach. Adjustments could be made to scale this but are beyond the scope of my initial effort.
  • The configurations used here, specifically those found in inputs.conf and props.conf could be easily ported to a proper Splunk environment to enable real-time CockroachDB log parsing, etc.

Helpful Commands

Open interactive shell with splunk container

docker-compose exec splunk /bin/bash

Search for all E or error log messages sorted by _time (log entry timestamp) descending

sourcetype=cockroach_log cockroach_log_level=E | sort _time

Search all log messages sorted by _time (log entry timestamp) descending

sourcetype=cockroach_log | sort _time