
A parallel version k-induction model checker for Lustre programs

Primary LanguageOCaml

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PKIND is an SMT-based model checker for programs written in the synchronous dataflow programming language Lustre.


  • ./bin -- Contains the executables (pkind, kind-inv, lsimplify)
  • ./src -- All PKIND source files.
  • ./tests -- A few example of Lustre programs
  • ./scripts -- Python scripts to run different tasks using PKIND

Quick install

See the INSTALL file for a full description of the compilation process of PKIND. For a quick install, issue the following commands:

  • ./configure
  • make
  • make install

We recommended to use the Yices wrapper (See the INSTALL file).


  1. PKIND (model checker) pkind [OPTIONS] LUSTRE_FILE

  2. LSIMPLIFY (Lustre simplifier) lsimplify [OPTIONS] LUSTRE_FILE

  3. KIND-INV (Invariant generation) kind_inv [-inv_int and/or inv_bool] [OPTIONS] LUSTRE_FILE

  4. Script to run different tasks using PKIND python scripts/pkind.py [OPTIONS] -f LUSTRE_FILE

Lustre files supported by PKIND

PKIND currently does not support forward references of nodes. There is only very limited support for non-linear arithmetic, records, and the "when" operation.

For integer constants, only those with up to nine digits are supported. For floating-points numbers, only up to nine digits can appear right or left of the decimal point. Floating-points number of the form 0.000000E+00 are supported.

Properties to be checked should appear in special comment lines in the body of the topmost node:


where is a Lustre Boolean expression, ending with a semicolon. Multiple property lines are conjoined.


For more information please contact:

Temesghen Kahsai (tkahsai AT sv.cmu.edu or lememta AT gmail.com)