Serialize / de-serialize an AutoHotkey object structure.
Requires AHK v1.1+ OR v2.0-a049+
License: WTFPL
str := SerDes( obj [ ,, indent := "" ] )
bytes := SerDes( obj, outfile [ , indent := "" ] )
str [retval] - String representation of the object
bytes [retval] - Bytes written to 'outfile'.
obj [in] - AHK object to serialize.
outfile [in, opt] - The file to write to. If no absolute path is specified, %A_WorkingDir% is used.
indent [in, opt] - If indent is an integer or string, then array elements and object members will
be pretty-printed with that indent level. Blank(""), the default, OR 0, selects
the most compact representation. Using an integer indent indents that many spaces
per level. If indent is a string, (such as "`t"), that string is used to indent
each level. Negative integer is treated as positive.
obj := SerDes( src )
obj [retval] - An AHK object
src [in] - Either a 'SerDes()' formatted string or the path to the file containing 'SerDes()' formatted text.
- Serilaized output is similar to JSON except for escape sequences which follows AHK's specification. Also, strings, numbers and objects are allowed as
keys unlike JSON which restricts it to string data type only. - Non-standard AHK objects such as COM, Func, FileObject, RegExMatchObject are not supported.
- Object references, including circular ones, are supported and notated as $n, where n is the 1-based index of the referenced object in the heirarchy tree when encountered during enumeration (for-loop) OR as it appears from left to right (for string representation) as marked by an opening brace
or bracket[
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{ "key1": ["Hello World"], "key2": $2 } // -> $2 references the object stored in 'key1'