
The time synchronization service for the robot vehicle ver. 1 project.

Primary LanguagePython

Established: 2024/05/03 Updated: 2024/05/03

About The Project

The time synchronization service for the robot vehicle ver. 1 project.

The service is used to send the reference time point to the client device. The client device can request the reference time point from the server and calculate the time offset between the client device and the server. The refernce time point is defined as the server time point when the server receives the request from the client device.

NOTE: The implementation of communication between the time synchronization server and the client was implemented under TimeSyncNode at vehicle_interfaces/timesync.h. The client device can easily communicate with the server by inheriting the TimeSyncNode class or the derived VehicleServiceNode class.

NOTE: To enable the funcitons of TimeSyncNode, make sure to pass the correct service name to the TimeSyncNode constructor. If user want to disable the functions, set the service name to empty string.

For the client device, there are several functions can be called:

  • addTimeSyncCallbackFunc(): Add the callback function for the time synchronized event.
  • syncTime(): Request the time synchronization to the server and calculate the time offset between the client device and the server.
  • getTimestamp(): Get the timestamp of the client device whether the time is synchronized or not.
  • getCorrectDuration(): Get the time offset between the client device and the server. If time is not synchronized, the function will return the zero duration.
  • getTimestampType(): Get the timestamp type of the client device whether the time is synchronized or not.

If the TimeSyncNode was enabled, the node will create a wait service to wait for the time synchronization service to be ready. If the argument timeSyncWaitService set to true, the node will wait for the time synchronization service to be ready before the node is ready.

If the wait service is done, the node will create a timer to periodically request the time synchronization to the server. The request period is defined by the timesyncPeriod_ms argument under service.json file for each node.

NOTE: The argument timesyncAccuracy_ms defined in the service.json file is used to determine the time synchronization accuracy. If the spent time of the time synchronization is greater than the timesyncAccuracy_ms, the time synchronization will be failed.

Getting Started


  • ROS2 Foxy or later (Humble recommended) Install ROS2 from official website: ROS2 official website or simply run the following command to automatically install ROS2:
    curl -fsSL | bash
    NOTE: The script only supports Foxy and Humble versions depending on the Ubuntu version. NOTE: The script will create a new workspace at ~/ros2_ws. NOTE: The script will create an alias humble or foxy for global ROS2 environment setup (e.g. source /opt/ros/<$ROS_DISTRO>/setup.bash) depending on the ROS2 version.
  • vehicle_interfaces

The required packages are listed in the requirements_apt.txt file. Install the required packages by running the following command:

xargs sudo apt install -y < requirements_apt.txt

NOTE: The required packages will be installed automatically while installing the package using the (vcu-installer)[https://github.com/cocobird231/RV1-vcu-install.git].


There are two ways to install the package: manually or using the vcu-installer.

Install Manually

  1. Check if vehicle_interfaces package is installed. If not, install the package by following the instructions in the vehicle_interfaces.
  2. Clone the repository under ~/ros2_ws/src and rename it to cpp_timesyncserver:
    git clone https://github.com/cocobird231/RV1-timesyncserver.git cpp_timesyncserver
  3. Change the directory to the ~/ros2_ws workspace and build the package:
    # Change directory to workspace.
    cd ~/ros2_ws
    # Source the local environment.
    . install/setup.bash
    # Build the package.
    colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select cpp_timesyncserver
    NOTE: The package is installed in the local workspace.

Install Using vcu-installer

  1. Run the installer and press Scan button under Package Management window. If the installer not installed, install the installer by following the instructions in the vcu-installer.

  2. Checked the Timesync Server checkbox under package list, right-click to modify the internet setting, then press the Install button to install the package.

  3. The installer will create the start-up script for the package under /etc/xdg/autostart directory. The package will be started automatically after the system boot-up.


The package contains only one executable server for the main time synchronization service.

Run the Main Service

  1. Source the local workspace:

    source ~/ros2_ws/install/setup.bash
  2. Run the main service:

    • Using the launch:

      ros2 launch cpp_timesyncserver launch.py

      NOTE: The launch file parsed the common.yaml file to set the parameters. The common.yaml file is located in the cpp_timesyncserver/launch directory. NOTE: The common.yaml file default the namespace to V0.

    • Using the run:

      ros2 run cpp_timesyncserver server


Communicate with the Service

For the derived class of TimeSyncNode, the client device is used to communicate with the server using TimeSync.srv which are defined in the vehicle_interfaces/srv.


The service is used to send client device timestamp to server and receive the server timestamp from the server. The service contains the following fields:

# Request field
uint8 request_code # Request status of the client device.
builtin_interfaces/Time request_time # Client device timestamp.

# Response field
uint8 response_code # Response status of the server.
builtin_interfaces/Time request_time # Client device timestamp.
builtin_interfaces/Time response_time # Server timestamp.

The request is usually sent from the syncTime() function under TimeSyncNode, and the time offset is calculated when receiving the response from the server.

NOTE: The callback function will only be called by the internal timer of TimeSyncNode if the time synchronization is successful. If manually call the syncTime() function, the callback function will not be called.

common.yaml File

The common.yaml file is currently not used. The service name will be determined by the timesyncService under service.json file.