MMO Character planning app

Created by Johnathan Blackburn

An app that currently holds and stores basic informaton about a users set of characters they want to create when the game Ashes of Creation releases. Roadmap would include upgrading the basic information to store almost everything possible about the characters and the world they live in.

A little background, Ashes of Creation is a highly anticpipated MMO that has high ambitions of features and ideas. Users create characters in the game and every action they do influences not only their character progression, but living world as well.

There are apps and sites for other past games that work similiary to what I have envisioned. The most notable one for me is World of Warcraft Armory. It pulls every single data about a character. It's level, stats, achievements, and etc.

I wish to continue working on this project into a fully functioning app.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • NodeJs
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose


picture picture

Getting Started

Click here to open app in browser

Roadmap (next steps)

  • Visit Trello Board