Play your own tweaked version of Space Invaders and connect it to your very own light effects!

The game is already developed, focus on the effects and enhancements you are able to create with the tools we provide.

The winning team will be decided by a combination of the QueensLab jury and the voice of the people, meaning you get to vote for who you think created the best game experience!


  • Raspberry Pi 4
  • 12x38 px LED grid (ws2812b)
  • Screen
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Mini USB controller


  • 2 backend
  • 2 frontend
  • 2 design


Backend: Familiarize yourself with Pythons FastAPI and the provided post-requests. You may alter the functions or add as many as you want. Out of ideas? Visit adafruits CircuitPython LED Animations documentation for some inspiration. You can't go wrong with more rainbows. Or explosions.

Frontend: Never played Space Invaders before? Now’s your chance to try. Run the game and consider what you would change if you were its creator. Faster bullets? Bouncing bullets? Explosions? Tweak whatever you want, as long as the finished product is still playable and fun! You can also collect points by adding a start- and highscore menu and a HP display, for example. Space is the limit!

Design: Trash the old start menu and design a new, eye-catching one. Don’t like the look of the sprites? Make your own and replace them! What enhancements are your group planning on implementing? Personalize the visual aspects of your game and gather points by creating an awesome UI design.


  • Enhance and tweak the game, but avoid implementing game-breaking cheats, such as starting with extra points. If you are unsure about your masterplan, ask us!
  • Don’t discriminate, don’t sabotage.
  • Don’t break the tools
  • Be careful if you must open the case of the Raspberry PI:s. If you are unsure about the positioning of the cables, ask us and we'll help you fix it!


18:00 - Welcome and introductionary / instructions talk

20:30 - Demo and voting

21:00 - Crowning the winning team


Style/Design points

  • Team name: 1 p
  • Sprite design: 2 p
  • UI design: 2 p
  • Other implementations: 5 p

Total: up to 10 p

Functionality points


  • Add highscore : 1 p
  • Menu : 2 p
  • Tweaks : 10 p

Total: up to 13 p


  • Game display : 5 p
  • Complexity and responsiveness: 10 p

Total: up to 15 p