
Hello World with express and NodeJS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Hello Express and NodeJs

This is a simple exercise to start using nodejs and express

first created all the folders from command line

 |- db [seed data and scripts for MongoDB]
 |- views [view files, html, jade]
     |- includes [partial views]
 |- public [all the static front-end files, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript]
     |- css [the styling sheets]
     |- img [images used in the application]
     |- js  [JavaScript files]
 |- routes [the routes to the different models]

Creating the package.json file

$ npm init this command starts a wizard that ask you what do you want to add to your app.

Installing dependencies

$ npm install express@4.1.2 --save this commmand install the express libraries and --save adds the dependencies to the package.json file

we repeat this command for each dependecie that we want to install

App.js file

is read up to bottom so the orther matters:

  1. Require Dependecies this is where you have to require the dependencies to use in your app like: var express = require('express');

  2. Configure Settings the settings of your app, like ports, paths, etc.

app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000);
  1. Connect to DataBase [optional]
  2. Define Middleware
  3. Define Routes the routes in your app like this:
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
  app.render('index', { msg: 'This is a local variable' });
  1. Start the Server This commands is to create the server and execute it
http.createServer(app).listen(app.get('port'), function() {
  console.log('Express server listening on port '+app.get('port'));
  1. Start workers with clusters