This is a demo app that uses React and Flux.
- Hopefully npm has you covered, the package.json should be solid.
- Use gulp to get a dev-server running
- Npm 3+ did not install History, which is a peer dep of react-router.
- Make sure this is installed or Browserify will complain
- Some of the expected paths aren't included
- if you want to use that userApi, you'll need the accompanying user data which looks like this:
"use strict"; var users = [ {firstName: "Some", lastName: "Guy", id: 'some-guy', image: 'wildebeest.jpg', description:"This would be some info about a user."}, ]; module.exports = { users: users };
- you'll also need an images folder, and a dist folder outside of source for the gulpfile to work. just check it out.
- React
- React-router
- Flux
- Gulp
- Gulp-connect
- Gulp-open
- Gulp-concat
- Browserify
- Reactify
- Vinyl-source-stream
- Material Design Lite
- Lodash
- History
- Moment
- TODO: finish///
- paging
- search from header, or nice UI panel
- dynamic sorting
- spinner for loading?
- toasts
- maybe a default field (name), then advanced?
- then we need an order-pad type example...
- login
- real api / server
- use browser history routing
- save pic uploads