
Getting started with the coconut-xr ecosystem

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🔰 Getting started using the Coconut-XR Ecosystem

In this getting started tutorial, we build a simple, immersive, draggable music player.


If you encounter problems during this tutorial, please visit our Discord for help.

This tutorial goes over the basics for the individual libraries of the Coconut-XR Ecosystem. If you are interested in one library specifically, please check out the documentations for the respective libraries:

Development Setup

For the basic development setup, please fork and clone this repository and use npm install to install all dependencies. Alternatively, follow along using this CodeSandbox.

Learn more about the dependencies we use.

We leverage a set of libraries that simplify building our application. In particular, we use @coconut-xr/koestlich for building the user interface, @coconut-xr/apfel-kruemel for a set of pre-designed components, such as lists, @coconut-xr/lucide-koestlich for icons, @coconut-xr/natuerlich for interactivity, and @react-three/fiber and three for handling the rendering. This template uses vite to build the application.

Using the command npm run dev, we can start the development server and access the page in the browser to see the application containing an empty canvas for now.

The following code shows the current setup inside the app.tsx file. The file currently contains the XRCanvas imported from @coconut-xr/natuerlich/defaults. The canvas is configured to fill the whole screen, and unwanted interactions are disabled using the cssStyle.

import { XRCanvas } from "@coconut-xr/natuerlich/defaults";

const cssStyle = {
  touchAction: "none",
  overscrollBehavior: "none",
  userSelect: "none",
  position: "absolute",
  inset: 0,
} as const;

export default function Index() {
  return <XRCanvas style={cssStyle}></XRCanvas>;

The final code for this tutorial can be found in app-final.tsx.

Adding a glass panel

Now that we are familiar with the basic setup, we add a glass panel to the scene. We make the glass panel grabbable from any device (mouse, touch, VR, AR, and others). First, we use <color/> to set the background color to "black". Then, we add a directional light to the scene, pointing from the coordinates 1, 1, 2 to the origin. Next, we add a camera for non-immersive sessions, positioning it 1.5 meters above the ground at coordinates 0, 1.5, -0.1. After that, we add a RootContainer from @coconut-xr/koestlich, which is required to create a user interface. Inside the root container, we add a glass element with rounded corners using the borderRadius property. Finally, we wrap the RootContainer in a Grabbable component, positioning it at 0, 1.5, -0.5, making the user interface grabbable.


import { Grabbable, XRCanvas } from "@coconut-xr/natuerlich/defaults";
import { RootContainer } from "@coconut-xr/koestlich";
import { Suspense } from "react";
import { NonImmersiveCamera } from "@coconut-xr/natuerlich/react";
import { Glass } from "@coconut-xr/apfel-kruemel";

const cssStyle = {
} as const;

export default function Index() {
  return <XRCanvas style={cssStyle}>
    <color args={["black"]} attach="background" />
    <directionalLight position={[1, 1, 2]} />
    <NonImmersiveCamera position={[0, 1.5, -0.1]} />
    <Grabbable position={[0, 1.5, -0.5]}>
        <Glass padding={100} borderRadius={20}>

Adding the AR & VR buttons

Next, we enable entering the application from an AR and VR device. Therefore, we create enterAR and enterVR functions to enter a VR or AR session from the AR and VR buttons. For creating these functions, we need to define the sessionOptions. In this case, we'll set "local-floor" and "hand-tracking" as required features. With the sessionOptions, we can now use the useEnterXR hook to create the enter functions for AR and VR. We will then use these functions in the onClick handler of two buttons that will be appended to the end of the interface. We'll position these buttons absolutely in the top-left corner of the screen. After that, we'll add an ImmersiveSessionOrigin, allowing us to place the origin of the player in the 3D scene; by default, it is set at coordinates 0,0,0. Inside this origin, we'll add the default Hands and Controllers, allowing the user to rotate, resize, and reposition the glass panel in both VR and AR. This integration ensures a seamless and interactive user experience across different virtual environments.


import { NonImmersiveCamera, ImmersiveSessionOrigin, useEnterXR } from "@coconut-xr/natuerlich/react";

const cssStyle = {
} as const;

const sessionOptions: XRSessionInit = {
  requiredFeatures: ["local-floor", "hand-tracking"],

export default function Index() {
  const enterAR = useEnterXR("immersive-ar", sessionOptions);
  const enterVR = useEnterXR("immersive-vr", sessionOptions);

  return <>
    <XRCanvas style={cssStyle}>

        <Hands />
        <Controllers />


        padding: "1rem",
        position: "absolute",
        top: "1rem",
        left: "1rem",

        padding: "1rem",
        position: "absolute",
        top: "5rem",
        left: "1rem",

Adding the user interface elements of the music player

Next up, we fill the glass panel with content. We begin by reducing the padding of the glass panel to 10px. Then, we add a DefaultStyleProvider, setting the default color for all texts and icons inside it to "white". Afterward, we incorporate an image component wrapped in a suspense mechanism, ensuring it loads the image from "image.jpg" inside the public folder. We manually set the index of the image to 0, assuring the correct order while the image is loaded asynchronously. Finally, we enrich the content with the name of the album and the artist by using the Text component. By carefully assembling these elements, we achieve a visually appealing and functional design for the glass panel.


import {
} from "@coconut-xr/koestlich";
import { Suspense } from "react";
import { Glass, IconButton } from "@coconut-xr/apfel-kruemel";
import { FastForward, Play, Rewind } from "@coconut-xr/lucide-koestlich";


export default function Index() {
  return (
      <XRCanvas style={cssStyle}>
            <Glass padding={10} borderRadius={20}>
              <DefaultStyleProvider color="white">
                <Text index={1} marginTop={8}>Ink of Infinity</Text>
                <Text index={2} opacity={0.5}>Quasar Quill</Text>

In the last step, we add the rewind, play, and fast forward controls using the IconButton component from @coconut-xr/apfel-kruemel and icons from @coconut-xr/lucide-koestlich.


import {
} from "@coconut-xr/koestlich";
import { Suspense } from "react";
import { Glass, IconButton } from "@coconut-xr/apfel-kruemel";
import { FastForward, Play, Rewind } from "@coconut-xr/lucide-koestlich";


export default function Index() {
  return (
      <XRCanvas style={cssStyle}>
            <Glass padding={10} borderRadius={20}>
              <DefaultStyleProvider color="white">

                    <Rewind height={16} width={16} />
                    <Play height={16} width={16} />
                    <FastForward height={16} width={16} />

And that is it! If you made it this far, congratulations! If you are curious to learn more, visit our Discord or learn more about the libraries we just used in their respective documentations: