FileUtilsAndroid::listFiles need downgrade twice to FileUtils::listFiles
HTMLgtMK opened this issue · 0 comments
HTMLgtMK commented
- cocos2d-x version: 3.17.2
- devices test on: Huawei ATU-AL10, Android 8.0.0
- developing environments
- NDK version: 21.4.7075529
I'd like to list files in the external storage directory, which was add to search path using addSearchPath(path, true)
When i try to list files use FileUtils::listFiles
, they called FileUtilsAndroid::listFiles
,which just list files using AssetManager.
by the way, the full-path of the external directory is correcct when i print it.
I proposed a fixed code, please review it's reasonbility.
std::vector<std::string> FileUtilsAndroid::listFiles(const std::string& dirPath) const
if(!dirPath.empty() && dirPath[0] == '/') return FileUtils::listFiles(dirPath);
std::vector<std::string> fileList;
string fullPath = fullPathForDirectory(dirPath);
// need downgrade to FileUtils::listFile if fullpath startsWith '/'
if(!fullPath.empty() && fullPath[0] == '/') return FileUtils::listFiles(fullPath);
static const std::string apkprefix("assets/");
string relativePath = "";
size_t position = fullPath.find(apkprefix);
if (0 == position) {
// "assets/" is at the beginning of the path and we don't want it
relativePath += fullPath.substr(apkprefix.size());
} else {
relativePath = fullPath;
if(obbfile) return obbfile->listFiles(relativePath);
if (nullptr == assetmanager) {
LOGD("... FileUtilsAndroid::assetmanager is nullptr");
return fileList;
if(relativePath[relativePath.length() - 1] == '/')
relativePath.erase(relativePath.length() - 1);
auto *dir = AAssetManager_openDir(assetmanager, relativePath.c_str());
if(nullptr == dir) {
LOGD("... FileUtilsAndroid::failed to open dir %s", relativePath.c_str());
return fileList;
const char *tmpDir = nullptr;
while((tmpDir = AAssetDir_getNextFileName(dir))!= nullptr)
string filepath(tmpDir);
if(isDirectoryExistInternal(filepath)) filepath += "/";
return fileList;