Neural Speech Codec

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Efficient And Scalable Neural Residual Waveform Coding With Collaborative Quantization

LICENSE Python TensorFlow Paper

Scalability and efficiency are desired in neural speech codecs, which supports a wide range of bitrates for applications on various devices. We propose a collaborative quantization (CQ) scheme to jointly learn the codebook of LPC coefficients and the corresponding residuals. CQ does not simply shoehorn LPC to a neural network, but bridges the computational capacity of advanced neural network models and traditional, yet efficient and domain-specific digital signal processing methods in an integrated manner. We demonstrate that CQ achieves much higher quality than its predecessor at 9 kbps with even lower model complexity. We also show that CQ can scale up to 24 kbps where it outperforms AMR-WB and Opus. As a neural waveform codec, CQ models are with less than 1 million parameters, significantly less than many other generative models.

Please consider citing our papers if this helps.

  author={Kai Zhen and Mi Suk Lee and Jongmo Sung and Seungkwon Beack and Minje Kim},
  title={{Efficient And Scalable Neural Residual Waveform Coding with Collaborative Quantization}},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2020},
  author={Kai Zhen and Jongmo Sung and Mi Suk Lee and Seungkwon Beack and Minje Kim},
  title={{Cascaded Cross-Module Residual Learning Towards Lightweight End-to-End Speech Coding}},
  booktitle={Proc. Interspeech 2019},


alt text

The Code Structure

  • utilities.py: supporting functions for Hann windowing, waveform segmentation, and objective measure calculation
  • lpc_utilities.py: LPC analyzer, synthesizer and related functions implemented in Python
  • neural_speech_coding_module.py: model configuration, training and evaluation for one neural codec
  • cmrl.py: model training and evaluation with multiple neural codecs
  • loss_terms_and_measures: loss functions and others to calculate objective measures such as pesq
  • nn_core_operator.py: some fundamental operations such as convolution and quantization
  • constants.py: definitions on the frame size, sample rate and other initializations
  • main.py: the entry file

The Dataset

The experiment is conducted on TIMIT corpus. https://catalog.ldc.upenn.edu/LDC93S1

Run The Code


python main.py --learning_rate_tanh 0.0002  # the learning rate for the 1st codec
               --learning_rate_greedy_followers '0.00002 0.000002'  # the learning rate for the added codecs and finetuning
               --epoch_tanh 200  # the epoch for the 1st codec
               --epoch_greedy_followers '50 50'  # the epoch for the added codecs and finetuning
               --batch_size 128
               --num_resnets 2  # number of neural codecs involved
               --training_mode 4  # see main.py for specifications
               --base_model_id '1993783'  # used for finetuning and evaluation
               --from_where_step 2  # used for finetuning and evaluation
               --suffix '_greedy_all_'  # the suffix of the name of the model to be saved
               --bottleneck_kernel_and_dilation '9 9 100 20 1 2'  # configuration of the ResNet block
               --save_unique_mark 'follower_all'  # the name of the model to be saved
               --the_strides '2'  # the stride value for the down sampling CNN layer
               --coeff_term '60 10 10 0'  # coefficients for the loss terms
               --res_scalar 1.0
               --pretrain_step 2  # number of pretrained step with no quantization
               --target_entropy 2.2  # target entropy
               --num_bins_for_follower '32 32'  # number of quantization bins
               --is_cq 1  # is collaborative quantization being enabled


python main.py --training_mode 0  # the base_model_id will need to be set correctly, other settings do not need to be changed


Our work is built upon several recent publications on end-to-end speech coding, trainable quantizer and LPCNet.

  • [1] Douglas O’Shaughnessy, “Linear predictive coding,” IEEE potentials, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 29–32, 1988.
  • [2] J.-M. Valin and J. Skoglund, “LPCNet: Improving neural speech synthesis through linear prediction,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2019.
  • [3] S. Kankanahalli, “End-to-end optimized speech coding with deep neural networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2018.
  • [4] E. Agustsson, F. Mentzer, M. Tschannen, L. Cavigelli, R. Timofte, L. Benini, and L. V. Gool, “Soft-to-hard vector quantization for end-to-end learning compressible representations,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2017, pp. 1141–1151.

Some of the code is borrowed from https://github.com/sri-kankanahalli/autoencoder-speech-compression