Assume we have ang Ansible Tower running, we use this repo as Project on Tower in order to load the demo playbooks.
Setup the Docker host, it can be defined on the Tower Inventory setting the target IP/hostname to be our Docker Host. After which set on template to run the playbook setup_docker_host.yml The Docker hosts the Docker containers .
Playbook to create a docker container: apt-cache-ng. What it does is to create an apt-cacher-ng inside a Docker Host. It means or target host here would be the hostname/IP of docker host above. The playbook is run_apt-cacher_container.yml
2.1. You have to run first the setup_docker_volume.yml
2.2. Now you can run the run_apt_cacher_container.yml
This will run apt-cacher-ng on port 3142 of the docker host. The volume stored on the docker_host, thus apt_cacher_volume can be shared with docker instances.
Another playbook that will install apt-cacher-ng-client to target client hosts defined on new set of inventory file, to be apt-cacher client. Parameter on AWX Tower -> Templates -> Extra Variables:
site_url: ""
Where: can be IP or dns of your apt-cacher-ng server and port.
Group variables and inventory can be run inside the Ansible Tower by specifying the source on the Inventory. It will read the inventories plus the group_vars.
4.1 We can setup Tower template to run the playbook demo_group_vars.yml
Use for the documentation:
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