

  • There is ABSOLUTLEY NO randomness in this. This is 100% determanistic. EXCEPT for the level generation (not toggled) & candy Spawning.
  • make sure you vs opp turn it is makes it into the state
  • I can either go off the assumption that for every 1 node taking 20 inputs, it need 5 nodes in the middle, OR can try some NEAT inspired implimentation.
  • dont forget if all else fails I can force 1 hot encoding for any network
  • deriv of sigmoid is fucking bonk, it will not work for me, but I think it is close enough to use, so just add the summation of all output nodes & it should be alright.
  • if training doesn't work out, I can try beefing up the NN architecture, or adding memory to the reward (use the 3 outputs to try & predict the future & obtain a totalReward[i] vector for a few timesteps ahead.)
  • For graphing, graph the acculative reward over time ( r=0; r+=2; r+= -3; r+=2 ...)
  • try an AI that cycles, att, def, taunt
  • Training strats:
    • Berserk Slayer -> Berserk (Locked); BS_Pupil -> Berserk_Slayer(Locked); Pupil -> BS_Pupil(Locked)
    • Some new NN vs itself
    • Thing 1 vs Thing 2
    • Ground a neural network by training it vs random output, then train it against something with more strategy
    • Beserk_Slayer vs New NN, both learn to get better
  • NN Problem solutions
    • Investigate if NN is wired right
    • Try a smaller learning rate
    • Train for long
  • If letting the AI train all night vs Beserk Slayer doesn't work, look into [ rewards / adjustable LR / NN connections / making NN bigger ]
  • Att -> Def: Currently

Authors Note

  • I initially was meaning to create a very complex AI system comprised of 4 parts, but after about 6 weeks of development, I realized how much time the grand vision would of taken to complete
  • I suspect the closer you get to a brain size of 128, the more useless nodes you'll end up having, but again this is a suspiscion, not tested
  • I really wanted to add the ability for an AI to learn from user input, but I just ended up getting to lazy to hack this in, more bothered by having to figure out how to work it into the UI than anything
  • when I made the video, I did 90% of my training with a learning rate of .01
  • I would love to see someone discover some really cool edge cases with this project
  • I really wanted to make a tournament mode feature
  • I absolutely hate the battle win chime, I made it quickly in 10m, meaning to go back & improve / finish it, but at this point in time, its been way too much time sunk into this project
  • I have not experimented enough with this project, but I have learned a lot, & want to take all of my failures & sucesses, learn from them, & make the next AI-In-Games project even better!


  • freepik - Running Icon
  • umeicon - AI Brain Icon
  • rumcaizs - Stadium
  • Giggle Star - pillar model
  • Grant Sanderson - Calculus Help
  • Dan Walsh - Calculus Help
  • Game-Ready Studios - brick texure
  • NAN - dirt texure
  • freepik - ???
  • becris - ???


Version Date Thing Note
Fixed the ran away feature for Humans
Fixed the Neural Network confusion for player 2


Version Date Thing Note
Added the ability to adjust the learning rate in the battle menu
Now saves stats about the AI to the data file, like how many battles it's been in x/y battles, y total battles, x of which it has learned from
You can now press esc in battle, menu pops up & you can select restart or main menu
Automatically generates Bots list if it doesnt exist
Added 2 random Haxbots from the Bots directory to the main menu
Added menu music
Added a NN input visualizers steal the visualizer used in ML Hoops 21
Added a little circle that shows up when youre selecting where to move
Now saving AI choice in menu select that persists even after battles
Added hp & decisions to taskbar
Added a rounds dispay in battle, as well at the rounds graphs
Added a reset & exit button to battle
Added helmets
Removed the weird thing on the Haxbots

Perfect World

Version Date Thing Note
Added the functionality to increase a previously made brain size Pad the endout with zeros? <- This will def work for new inputs im sure of it
Learning is split into 2 Learn: Changes weights in real time, & saves everything the network learns, Adapt: Also changes weights in real time, but does not save everything the network learns. Acts as like a baseline knowledge, then fit it to the current opponent.
Now added a complex local minimum algorithm that attempts to prevent AIs from getting stuck in a local minima
AI now learns their own reward outcome instead of being set by developer
You can now train a NN via a human player
Added a ML AI for Movement
Added a battle replay feature
The crowd now reacts to the battle with cheers
Added crowd SFX
Added a dummy AI can simply just create a state heiarchy based on hp in 1/4 incriments
model new coleseum
units no longer get stuck in corners
Maybe add like a special attack
fixed level loader to read it properly
Added a level builder


Version Date Thing Note
1.0.0 04.10.020 Added a author's note button & made it functional
1.0.0 04.10.020 Added a credits button & made it functional
1.0.0 04.10.020 Made Support Developer button functional
1.0.0 04.10.020 Add splash & splash notes for "Not tested on device"
1.0.0 04.10.020 End of match data preview is now a bit longer to view
1.0.0 04.10.020 Gives in-game message if there is not bots folder
v0.0.51 04.08.020 Added menu button click sfx
v0.0.48 04.03.020 Added a speedup time feature
v0.0.47 03.31.020 Added 6 more inputs to state data sum of last 10 choices / 10, myAtt, myDef, myTaunt, oppAtt, oppDef, oppTaunt. Tech: this is a list of Actions, that sums all of the 3 actions & / list count, & if list count > 10 then remove the first element. This will essentially ask: based on the past 10 or less battle actions, what is the distribution?
v0.0.46 03.31.020 Map.OutputLocation is no longer called IF nothing has changed with the path / end selected tile i think i can check it upon where ever its getting rounded
v0.0.45 03.30.020 Made the human control be fully controllable with a keyboard
v0.0.45 03.30.020 Added Human control to the Menu UI
v0.0.44 03.21.020 Fixed NN code to be able to work for both player 1 & 2
v0.0.44 03.21.020 Fixed waffle collision bug Im sure i just need to move the waffle checker to be at the end of the turn, & not after moving
v0.0.44 03.21.020 Removed the pointless level.map file loadin
v0.0.44 03.21.020 Finished the Total Max Graph Mini feature
v0.0.44 03.21.020 Fixed the uninitilize deal with the battle profile images copy settings for menu
v0.0.44 03.21.020 Confirmed all aspect ratios
v0.0.44 03.21.020 fix standalone crashing
v0.0.43 03.20.020 Added fire to the background of battle menu
v0.0.43 03.20.020 Added exploitation sliders
v0.0.43 03.20.020 Added a "Do you want NN to learn?" Scrollbar
v0.0.42 03.19.020 Added random vs nn icons to battle decisions
v0.0.42 03.19.020 Added a number on the graphs to display highest anything / max
v0.0.42 03.19.020 Added the AI Name under the fighter's graph
v0.0.41 03.18.020 Added graphs
v0.0.40 03.15.020 Added Saving & Loading of AI Brains
v0.0.40 03.15.020 Added a ML AI for Combat
v0.0.37 03.09.020 Added exporation vs exploitation for combat, the rest doesn't really make sense
v0.0.36 03.08.020 Added audience to stands
v0.0.35 03.08.020 A menu popup now displays to confirm
v0.0.35 03.08.020 You can now click "start battle" or can still press space
v0.0.34 03.08.020 Made a Main Menu UI create a Haxbot, battle, train. Drag in the haxbot creator made for patreon
v0.0.31 03.04.020 Added closest candy location to state data
v0.0.31 03.04.020 Added Ran counts to state data
v0.0.30 03.03.020 Made a Battle UI
v0.0.29 03.03.020 Food Health now spawns on the map now important that the AI learns this, but expert AI if so
v0.0.27 03.02.020 added action camera mode
v0.0.27 03.02.020 Added Human Input
v0.0.21 02.24.020 Made nearby tiles see-through / invisible feature maybe the simple solution is just a sphere that blocks rendering from some objects
v0.0.20 02.24.020 units can now choose the same spot they were already on. (maybe, think about this, can enable AI to never move if smart enough)
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added Camera Shake
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added UI
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added icons to make decisions clear
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added Sword
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added Shield
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added walking sfx
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added hit sfx
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added crit sfx
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added def sfx
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added step back sfx
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added power up sfx
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added power down sfx
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added hit sfx
v0.0.19 02.23.020 Added poweup animation
v0.0.18 02.22.020 added topdown camera mode
v0.0.18 02.22.020 visualized stunned
v0.0.18 02.22.020 visualized strength
v0.0.18 02.22.020 Added nametags
v0.0.17 02.22.020 Added dmg
v0.0.16 02.22.020 Added health points
v0.0.15 02.21.020 Replaced the path gizmo with something actually rendered
v0.0.15 02.21.020 Added pose animations
v0.0.15 02.21.020 added top down camera mode
v0.0.15 02.21.020 added isometric camera mode
v0.0.14 02.20.020 Added an algorithm that will ensure there is always a path from fighter to fighter
v0.0.14 02.19.020 model character
v0.0.14 02.19.020 State data is now organized
v0.0.13 02.18.020 Added attacking phase
v0.0.11 02.15.020 model wall Just went with an asset store texture on a stretched cube
v0.0.11 02.15.020 model pillar Quite sure I am going to go with this asset store model, might re-model later
? 02.014.020 add random noise blocks
? 02.013.020 figure out adding block tiles to map
? 02.012.020 figure out limited moves workflow